Emily Hart Dolls
Antique Reproduction Porcelain Dolls

Tanzey with feathers

U.S. $950.00 Lovely Tanzey "Fairy" with elaborate raised paste work and fired on gold.... removeable peacock feather fringe skirt.

An Emily Hart doll

From Seeley Mold “Tanzey” Fairy

This is a ONE OF A KIND interpretation of this doll and will not be duplicated.


This doll was poured in “French Bisque” Seeley fine porcelain.

All porcelain six piece doll with moveable head, arms and legs, the joints are lined with fine glove leather for smooth movement.

China painted with many layers and firings in between each layer, this doll has an overall wash of powdered gold, fired on. This gold paint is made with real gold in it and is very costly.

She has nose jewelry design inspired from India, made with labor intensive raised paste work with fired on gold. Her ankles and tiny hands wear intricate gold worked jewelry.

Finest paperweight solid glass eyes in brown color… Please note, the brown glass eyes do not photograph well, and look much more beautiful when the doll is in front of you.

The wig is a skin wig from the Angora goat (Mohair)

The earrings are tiny glass beads

She can wear her fringed and curled Peacock feather waist embellishment or simply be displayed without.

Extra Fine Painting done in 2003, this doll was finally finished in December of 2013.

The doll is 11.25 inches tall