Emily Hart Dolls | Antique Reproduction Porcelain Dolls |
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Blog(posted on 28 Dec 2013)
Greetings to all my lovely doll friends! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas or other celebration you may have had over this Festive Season... for some, I am sure the celebrations continue to the New Year.... I am one of those people who puts the Christmas tree away on Boxing Day... it's all over now and I am busy preparing for new projects... Santa brought me a big surprise on the 23rd this year! My doll studio flooded, and I was up nearly throughout the night mopping up what I could do before rushing out to buy a "Shop-Vac" the next day! My working area is about 650 square feet of space and about 250 sqare feet were under water... It has been a challenging job, continuously working every day to get the water out of the carpet and underlay, but it is nearly dry now, and I am both mentally and physically exhausted. This turn of events has forced me to completely re-organize my Studio and it is going to take me some time to get it done. I am in the process now of working through all that has to be thrown out, collapsing soggy boxes and making arrangements for everything that is ruined to be taken away. The good news is that it could have been much worse and I am very grateful for that. So far, the two gorgeous Fantasy dolls I have for sale have had no comments and no response at all, so I am not sure if that is what I am best to focus on. I surely would appreciate some feedback on what my next step should be. Over the past years, I have tried so hard to support others who are struggling to make a living in the doll realm... My bodymaker, Jim, who lives in Oregon, my wigmaker, Mila, who lives in the Phillipines, my dressmakers, Mary & Shelby, who live in North Carolina, Sue, who lives in Australia, and my eyemakers, James & Brett, who live in England. Each of them takes a share in the price of my dolls. In the coming year, I MUST reduce my costs for dollmaking supplies to survive in this business. I know that many people write and tell me they would love to be able to afford one of my dolls, so I must work at reducing the prices to accomodate the demand. This is my objective coming into the New Year, so I will be making more painted eye dolls and some without the Mary Lambeth costumes, to reduce costs, though some will still have them. When I get the Studio back in order I will take some photos to share with you, so that you will be able to see all the dolls that are partly made and that I will be working on finishing up. I plan to try making some of the costumes myself again as I used to, if my hand condition will allow it... that is what could prevent me from sewing... I do love to sew and have so many wonderful silks and laces and trims here to work with as well as hundreds of patterns and 200 dolls partly made. My wishes for everyone is to have a fabulous and prosperous New Year. Emily